The First Accredited institution by NAAC in Western Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh.

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Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technlogy and Sciences striving for academic excellence, and progress of Engineering. Education and research have been conducted in alignment with our national needs and priorities and ensure that our mission, objectives make contributions to global needs. Teachers should enjoy full civic rights of our democratic country. Teachers have a right to just conditions of service and professional independence.

  • Shall read, understand and comply with institutes policies.
  • Shall abide by the institutes policy to value and support an institute community that is diverse in Gender, Caste, Creed, Religion, Region, Nationality, Educational background, Talent, Skill, and Experience.
  • Shall be in time to the institute.
  • Shall be regular and punctual to the classes.
  • Must conduct one hour class and take attendance in the beginning of class.
  • Daily lesson should be planned ahead and taught in the most effective and innovative way.
  • Class should be well structured, interactive and involving student cohort.
  • Notes of units should be included in the course file.
  • Teachers should prepare students for their examinations, hence be well versed with objectives and outcomes of each unit and the related scheme and policies of the affiliated university.
  • Syllabus completion should be according to academic calendar.
  • Students learning should be assessed periodically and modification of teaching and assignments done accordingly.
  • Shall maintain the course file with all necessary documents including previous year question papers and their answer keys.
  • Mentorship shall be fulfilled in order to enhance student’s academic performance.
  • Do not show partiality or hold grudges towards students/colleagues.
  • The teacher is in-charge of students during the class.
  • Be impartial when discharging one’s duties and not offer preferential treatment to any student, instead should be motivating, comforting, listening to and encouraging students and radiating enthusiasm.
  • A teacher finding a student committing any act of academic or non-academic misconduct within the college campus shall be responsible to immediately report to authorities concerned. In case of un surety of the behavior if it is against the code then the matter should be discussed with Deans, Heads of Departments, Principal or Vice Principal.
  • Shall be a springboard for the student’s academic success, personal growth and placement in the national and global arena.

Shall attend to the parent’s queries as a true representative of the institution, clarify their doubts, give them freedom to express their views and help them understand the institute’s framework.

  • Follow Dress code shall be in respectable attire, befitting the society’s expectations.
  • Shall never appear untidy, through style of dressing, grooming of hair or in respect of any other ornament one wears and also maintain personal hygiene at all times.
  • Every staff member shall discharge the duties allotted to them within the department or other units or events with professionalism and honesty.
  • Shall Endeavour to assist Fellow teachers to discharge their duties effectively and make adjustments flexibly.
  • Act within the range of an allowed individual authority in all matters and in the best interests of the institute.
  • Inform the authorities and take consent, if availing the leave, the early exit and late entry facility.
  • Use Institutes resources (facilities, equipment, supplies, vehicles, and students) lawfully, efficiently and by finding innovative solutions.
  • Ensure that the highest standards of scholarly conduct and academic integrity are understood and practiced. Complete the work on time, document research and citing the work of others.
  • In-charge faculty should ensure fairness and honesty in relationships with suppliers and purchasers of the Institute’s goods and lab suppliers. Transact Institutes business in compliance with all applicable laws and institutes policies and procedures.
  • Refuse any gift/favor that could place individual or institute in embarrassing position.
  • Communicate opinions to others in a fair and constructive manner and respect the rights and dignity of others regardless of our differences and different perspectives.
  • Voice any differences of opinion respectfully and directly to those colleagues with whom we disagree and not in common areas and manage conflicts appropriately.
  • Exercise professional exemplary competence, teamwork, objectivity, dignity, innovative teaching methods, diligence.
  • Make the institution a safe place to work and learn. Adhere to good health and safety practices and comply with all health and safety laws and regulations.
  • Protect the confidential, proprietary, and private information generated by the Institute or acquired in the course of an individual’s association with the Institute; information will be used for official or legal purposes only and not for personal or illegal advantage, during or after the individual’s association with the institute.
  • Adhere to the institutes grant, contractual and legal obligations and comply with all laws and regulations governing the receipt and disbursement of sponsored funds.
  • Promote sustainability and reduce the impact on environment in all our actions.