Mechanical Engineering Vision & Mission
To establish the Department as a hub of quality education, research with innovation and recognition to produce competent mechanical engineers with an interdisciplinary perspective and greater understanding of the impact of technology on society.
- To transfer the knowledge through quality education which can develop skills, inculcate values and improve research with innovative methods
- To re-engineer engineering education and to create leadership qualities with a futuristic vision
- To develop Teaching-Learning methods which can produce socially committed professional, who are a good human being and can contribute effectively in Nation building and represent the country internationally
- To provide extension programs to assist individuals and organizations to find solutions to engineering problems through education, consulting and practical research.
- To promote research facilities in the department to enhance the intellectual capabilities.
PEO1: Graduate will apply knowledge gained in engineering and science to improve lives and livelihoods through a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and other related fields.
PEO2: Graduates will become innovators, entrepreneurs to address social, technical and business challenges.
PEO3: Graduates will engage in lifelong learning such as higher studies, research and other continuous professional development activities.
After successful completion of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) program student will have:
- PO-1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- PO-2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- PO-3 Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- PO-4 Conduct Investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO-5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- PO-6 The engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- PO-7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
- PO-8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- PO-9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- PO-10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
- PO-11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- PO-12 Life-Long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1: An ability to apply the engineering and fundamental knowledge in the areas of pneumatics, electro- pneumatics, robotics, automation, additive manufacturing, engineering and management to develop the solutions of mechanical engineering problems.
PSO2: Graduates shall have an ability to enhance their technical and professional skills to utilize their knowledge in specification of fabrication, testing, operation of basic mechanical system/process and have the ability to apply the learned principles to the design, analysis, development and implementation of advanced mechanical systems.
Faculty Details
S.No | Faculty Name | Designation | Qualification | Experience |
2 | Mr. K. SRINIVAS | Professor | M.Tech | 24 |
3 | Mr. P.V.ANIL KUMAR | Assoc.Professor | M.Tech (CAD/CAM) | 11 |
4 | Mr. A.V.R.M.AJAY KUMAR | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (CAD/CAM) | 5 |
5 | Mr. B. SIVA RAMAKRISHNA | Asst. Professor | M.Tech(Advance Manufacturing Systems ) | 6 |
6 | Mr. G.VENKATESWARLU | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (Machine Design) | 3.6 |
7 | Mr. SK.MOHAMMED RAFI | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (Machine Design) | 3 |
1. | Mr. B. Venkata Suresh Kumar | Lab Technician | I.T.I (Fitter) |
JNTUK Regulations
JNTUK Syllabus
Mechanical Department Activities
S.No | Name of the Seminars/Conferences/Workshops | Type | Source |
1 | Annas fest-2k12(MERITZ -2k12) | National Level Technical Symposium | College Management & Registration fees |
2 | Annas fest-2k15(MERITZ -2k15) | National Level Technical Symposium | College Management & Registration fees |
Module Description | Any Other Contributory Institute/Industry | Dates/ Duration days |
Resource Persons | Usage & citation, etc |
Workshop on SOLID EDGE | SIEMENS | 18/11/2019 – 23/11/2019 | Sri. Sk.Shameer | Mechanical Software Usage |
Workshop on NDT | VIDAL NDT | 24/09/2019 | Sri.T.Meher Pretam | Quality Inspecting |
Workshop on CNC PART PROGRAMMING | SIEMENS | 16/09/2019-21/09/2019 | Sri.P.Rama Karthik | Mechanical Software Usage |
Awareness on ENTERPRENEURSHIP | MSME | 11/09/2019 | Sri. D.Gopal | Enterpreneurship |
Awareness on LIFE SKILLS | DMHP | 11/09/2019 | Sri.Dr. Akilesh | Awareness on SUICIDE |
Workshop on AUTO-CAD | ICT | 21/02/2019 | Sri.S.Raj Kumar | Mechanical Software Usage |
Workshop on AUTO-CAD | APITA | 05/12/2018-07/12/2018 | Sri.S.Venu Gopal Reddy | Mechanical Software Usage |
Workshop on CNC PART PROGRAMMING | APSSDC- VIJAYAWADA | 04/09/2018 | Sri.L.Jagadeesh | Mechanical Software Usage |
Seminar on INTRODUCTION TO FUSION 360 | APSSDC- VIJAYAWADA | 10/07/2018 | Sri.M.Vedanath | Mechanical Software Usage |
Guest Lecture on MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS | JNTU K | 13/09/2017 | Sri.Prof. K.Meera Saheb | Lecture on Mechanical Vibrations |
Workshop on ANDROID CONTROLLED ROBOTICS | HRADC-IIT KHARGPUR | 08/09/2017-09/09/2017 | Sri.Shubam Gupta | Knowledge about new Innovations |
Workshop on Recent Advances in RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGY | IIT INDORE | 22/12/2016 | Sri.Dr. E. Anil kumar | Usage of Energy Efficient technologies |
ISME STUDENT CHAPTER Inauguration | ISME | 01/10/2016 | Sri. Dr.A.Pasupathy Sri.Dr.K.Rajendran |
student chapter |
Seminar on FEA & HYPERMESH | YUCAN Technologies,Banglore | 23/09/2016 | Sri.G.M.Rajamahendra | Mechanical Software Usage |
Guest Lecture on Importance of MECHANICAL SOFTWARES | LEMON PRO TECHNOLOGIES | 06/09/2016 | Sri.V.Sasi Kumar | Mechanical Software acquintance |
Training Program on CAD/CAM & CAE | WINWILL TECHNOLOGIES | 09/08/2016 | Sri.T.Sreedhar | Training on designing & drawing of mechanical components |
Training & Practice in Pro-E & ANSYS | ADS | 15 | ADS | Project developement |
Training&Practice in Pro-E &ANSYS | LVS Technology | 1 | LVS Technology | Mechanical softwares awareness & usage |
Training & Practice in CAD & Pro-E | CANTER CADD | 1 | CANTER CADD | Designing through softwares |
Soft skills | Globareena | 3 | Globareena | Communication developement |
Technical quiz | KITS | 1 | KITS | Objective orientation |
Workshop on AutoCAD | Krest technologies | 7 | Krest technologies | AUTO CAD Exposure |
Module Description | Any Other Contributory Institute/Industry | Dates/ Duration days |
Resource Persons | Usage & citation, etc |
Work Shop | IBM Representative | 3 | IBM | III & IV Batch |
Orientation Programme | 1 | Hindu Educational Plus Club | All B.Tech students | |
Orientation Programme | P.Sankara Pichaiah | 1 | Program On Psycology | II,III,IV B.Tech students |
National Work Shop On Integrated Operations Real Time Embedded System | SD.Ali | 1 | Creast Technologies | IV B.Tech |
Youngistan | V.Radhakrishna, M.D.Andhrajyothi | 1 | ABN Andhrajyothi | All Students |
Programme on hydrogen energy & its applicability | PROF.E.Anil Kumar | 1 | IIT, Indore | III, IV B.Tech |
Work Shop On Self Entreprenure | A.Koti Reddy | 1 | SMSE,Industrial&Technologies Conultance Organisations Ltd. | III, IV B.Tech |
Ethical Hacking Work Shop | Subham Guptha | 1 | IIT, Delhi | III, IV B.Tech |
Auto CAD Workshop | G.Santhosh Kumar | 5 | JKC | III, IV B.Tech |
Industrial Visit | P.Mohan | 1 | Kumar Pumps & Motors | II, IIIB.Tech |
Work Shop Indusry Motivation | ADA.Prasad | 1 | CIFTECH. | III, IV B.Tech |
Mobile Computing work | Asif Khan | 2 | DSS | III, IV B.Tech |
Mechanical Department Laboratories
S.No | Room No. | Laboratory Name | Area (m2) | Cost (Rs.) |
1 | C-103 | Engineering Workshop Lab | 212.7375 | 1,59,098 |
2 | B-210 | Computer Aided Enigeneering Drawing Practice Lab (CAEDP)& Simulation Lab | 113.1 | 2,31,000 |
3 | C-310 | Production Technology Lab (PT) | 69.615 | 2,26,140 |
4 | C-309 | Metallurgy Lab | 69.615 | 1,13,000 |
5 | C-107 | Machine Tools Lab (MT) | 151.97 | 5,49,530 |
6 | C-105 | Thermal Engineering Lab (TE) | 115.57 | 6,08,214 |
7 | C-209 | Theory of Machines Lab (TOM) | 115.57 | 2,00,000 |
8 | B-314 | Mechanical Measurements (Instrumentation) Lab | 75.05 | 1,31,500 |
9 | B-314 | Metrology Lab | 75.05 | 1,24,510 |
10 | C-212 | Heat Transfer Lab | 119.21 | 4,46,000 |
11 | B-315 | Mechatronics Lab | 75.05 | 1,37,700 |
12 | A-106 | Fluid mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Lab (FM&HM) | 105.56 | 6,89,560 |
13 | B106 | Mechanics of Solids Lab (MOS) | 144.475 | 7,91,100 |
The basic workshop practice helps students to understand the basic skills required for fitting and welding. since all engineers must not only know how to design products but also have a basic knowledge of how to make them, first year students of all engineering branches are made to undergo workshop practice. students use various measuring instruments and tools to perform fitting and welding exercises. the lab also has drilling and grinding machines along with carpentry and sheet metal tools to help students better understand workshop practice.
This subject focuses on the fundamentals of engineering graphics and technology. since drawing is the language of communication for engineers and has application in all branches of engineering, students of all branches have to undergo this course. in order to expose students to current industrial practices, students are trained on cad software solid edge v 19.0 to practice 2d drafting. the lab is well equipped with 48 high end computer systems for the students to practice and lcd projector facilities for the delivery of lectures.
The main objective of the simulation laboratory to impart the fundamental knowledge on using various analytical tools like ANSYS, FLUENT, etc., for Engineering Simulation. To know various fields of engineering where these tools can be effectively used to improve the output of a product. To impart knowledge on how these tools are used in Industries by solving some real time problems using these tools.
This laboratory has been established to cater to the needs of the third year students in the areas of metal casting, welding, mechanical press working and the processing of plastics. the laboratory houses foundry equipment, arc welding and spot welding equipment, hydraulic press and injection molding machines.
This laboratory was set up to meet the requirements of the second year students of mechanical engineering. the laboratory houses microstructure study equipment for different materials to determine the hardening ability of steels by jominy and end quench tests. the rockwell hardness tester was purchased to determine the hardness of various treated and untreated steels.
The machine shop is equipped with centre lathes, drilling machines, shaping machines and milling machine for preparing the models and gaining the practical exposure in operating the machines. also, the machine shop is equipped with high quality cutting tools for the operations like marking, centre drilling, facing, taper turning, grooving, knurling, profile turning, drilling, boring, thread cutting etc., the students are also trained in using inserts for cutting tool for machining purpose and gear cutting operation.
This laboratory was set up to meet the requirements of the second year students of mechanical engineering. the laboratory equipment includes heat engines like multi-cylinder petrol engine, single cylinder high-speed diesel engine and variable compression ratio four-stroke petrol engine. the equipment also includes models for determining valve timing of two-stroke and four-stroke engines. students are also exposed to different types of boiler models
The objective of this Theory of Machines lab is to impart practical knowledge on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine. Various experiments with governors, gyroscopes, balancing machines and universal vibration facilities are available to understand machine dynamics. Demonstration exercises are provided with wide varieties of transmission element models to understand machine kinematics.
An engineer must possess adequate knowledge of measurement techniques. this lab provides the students an active learning environment for the measurement technologies used in production engineering field. students use the laboratory to collect and analyze measurement data, evaluate measurement methodologies, and learn the capabilities and limitations of measurement technologies. the lab includes lvdt, load cell, pressure transducer, micrometer, thermocouple, slip gauges, sine bar, sine center, bevel protractor, profile projector, lathe and drill tool dynamometer and other equipments required for calibration and measurements
The subject of heat transfer is one of the core areas of mechanical engineering. in this laboratory, the students are exposed to experiments on conduction heat transfer like determination of thermal conductivity, estimation of heat conduction in composite wall etc. also the experiments included are on natural convection heat transfer, forced convection heat transfer, condensation and boiling heat transfer, radiation heat transfer and heat exchangers. also an experimental test facility to study the heat transfer coefficient using power fluids has been developed.
This laboratory caters to the needs of mechanical and electrical engineering students in the subject of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machinery. the laboratory is equipped with a large number of equipment and experimental setups to study the fundamental and applied aspects of hydraulics and fluid mechanics. the setups comprise a variety of flow measuring devices like venturi meters, weirs, notches, orifice meters, and flow study techniques for estimating losses in pipes, study of impact of jets over vanes, hydraulic ram, etc. the laboratory is also equipped with different types of water turbines like francis, kaplan and pelton wheel, and has facilities and requisite instrumentation to study the characteristics of these turbines. the laboratory also has centrifugal and reciprocating pump setups on which a number of experiments are carried out. the equipment is operated in a closed loop which conserves water and obviates the need for large quantities of water supply.
Strength of materials is one of the important subject in mechanical engineering. it is the physical science that looks at the reaction of a body to movement and deformation due to mechanical, thermal and other loads.
In strength of materials virtual laboratory, students will have the opportunity to apply loads to various materials under different equilibrium conditions. the student will perform tests on different materials in tension, torsion, bending, and buckling etc. these conditions and/or constraints are designed to reinforce classroom theory. by performing required tests in this virtual lab, students get a near realistic feel of the experiment. student can analyze subsequent data, and compare the results with theory.
Major equipments strength of materials lab:- universal testing machine, torsion testing machine, impact testing machine, brinell hardness testing machine, rockwell hardness testing machine.
List Of Lab Equipments
Research Publications
MECHANICAL Department Achivements |
Roll number |
Student name |
Event |
prize |
1 | 19JU1A0302 | G. ALLURI SRIKANTH | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
2 | 19JU1A0303 | CH.HANOKU | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
3 | 19JU1A0304 | V. HARSHA VARDHAN REDDY | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
4 | 19JU1A0306 | Y MAHESH | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
5 | 19JU1A0307 | R.P.LOKESH | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
6 | 19JU1A0308 | A.PRINCIPAL | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
7 | 19JU1A0309 | G RAJASEKHAR | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
8 | 19JU1A0310 | T.RAKESH REDDY | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
9 | 19JU1A0311 | T RAVI PRAKASH | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
10 | 19JU1A0312 | R SHIVAIAH | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
11 | 19JU1A0313 | P SREENU | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
12 | 19JU1A0314 | A SURESH BABU | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
13 | 19JU1A0315 | B UDAY KUMAR | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
14 | 19JU1A0317 | SK.NOORUDDIN | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
15 | 19JU1A0318 | G VENKATA RAMANA | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
16 | 19JU1A03119 | B RAVI KUMAR | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
17 | 19JU1A0320 | P YESU BABU | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
18 | 20JU5A0301 | SK ABDULLA | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
19 | 20JU5A0302 | B NARAYANA | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
20 | 20JU5A0303 | D RAFI | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
21 | 20JU5A0305 | D SASI KUMAR | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
22 | 20JU5A0306 | D NOOR BASHA | MAYINKRISH VENTURES PVT.LTD (Internship) | Participated |
23 | 17JU1A0305 | D. GANESH | QIS FEST2020,QIS college | 1st PRIZE |
24 | 18JU5A0301 | K. DURGA BHAVANI | QIS FEST2020,Qis college | 1st PRIZE |
25 | 17JU1A0321 | R.V.G.D.SAI DINAKAR | QIS FEST2020,Qis college | 1st PRIZE |
28 | 17JU1A0321 | R. V. G. D. Sai Dinakar | QIS FEST2020,Qis college | 1st PRIZE |
29 | 17JU1A0321 | R. V. G. D. Sai Dinakar | SRUJANA 2K19, Pace college | PARTICIPATED |
30 | 15JU1A0322 | K.GOPI KRISHNA | JUBILATION 2k18,NEC Colleg | 1st PRIZE |
36 | 15JU1A0336 | SK.THOUFIQ | UTKRAANTI-17,RISE College | 1st PRIZE |
37 | 15JU1A0313 | K. SAI KUMAR | UTKRAANTI-17,RISE College | 1st PRIZE |
38 | 15JU1A0325 | M. PAVAN KUMAR | UTKRAANTI-17,RISE College | 1st PRIZE |
39 | 15JU1A0309 | G. PAVAN KUMAR | UTKRAANTI-17,RISE College | 1st PRIZE |
40 | 15JU1A0328 | M. SOHAIL ALI BAIG | UTKRAANTI-17,RISE College | 1st PRIZE |
41 | 12JU1A0311 | M.Karthik | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 1st PRIZE |
42 | 12JU1A0317 | Sk.Md. Rafi | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 1st PRIZE |
43 | 12JU1A0324 | M.Ram Prasad | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 1st PRIZE |
44 | 12JU1A0326 | K.Rudra Teja | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 1st PRIZE |
45 | 12JU1A0331 | K.V.S.Praveen Kumar | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 1st PRIZE |
46 | 12JU1A0302 | M.Anil | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 2ND PRIZE |
47 | 12JU1A0304 | Sk.Asif Basha | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 2ND PRIZE |
48 | 12JU1A0316 | B.Manoj Kumar | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 2ND PRIZE |
49 | 12JU1A0320 | Sd.Nayab Rasool | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 2ND PRIZE |
50 | 12JU1A0334 | P.Sai Kishore | BVSR College,Chimakurthy | 2ND PRIZE |
51 | 13JU1A0315 | Y.Rahul BunKumar | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
52 | 13JU1A0336 | M.Venkata Ramana | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
53 | 13JU1A0315 | M.Narayana Swamy | Eswar engineering college | 2ND PRIZE |
54 | 13JU1A0336 | M.Venkata Ramana | Eswar engineering college | 2ND PRIZE |
55 | 12JU1A0318 | S.Murali Krishna | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
56 | 12JU1A0325 | Ch. Ranganayakulu | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
57 | 12JU1A0326 | K.Rudra Teja | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
58 | 12JU1A0333 | K.V.Krishna Reddy | Eswar engineering college | 1st PRIZE |
S.No | Year | Name of the Visitor | Name of the Organisation |
1 | 2015 | Dr.Y.V.Hanumanta Rao,Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | KLU, Vijayawada |
2 | 2012 | Dr.G.Tulasi Ram Das | JNTUK |
3 | 2013 | DrA.ChennakesavareddyProfessor,Department of Mechanical Engineering | JNTUH,Hyderabad |
4 | 2012 | DrS.V.Satyanarayana,Professor Director R&D | JNTUA,Anantapur |
5 | 2013 | DrA.Mehar,Department of Mechanical Engineering | QISCET,Ongole,Prakasam(dt) |
6 | 2013 | Sri A.Koti Reddy | Director,SMSE |
7 | 2013 | Sri PremSankar Gopanna | GM,Ericson,Bangalore |
8 | 2013 | Sri Chinna Jiyar Swamy | Ahobilam |
9 | 2012 | T.Radha Krishna | Auditor, TEQIP. |
10 | 2013 | Swami Vinischalanda Maharaj | Secratery,Sree Rama Krishna Sevarsham,Calicut. |
1 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Indian Institute of Technology ,Madras | Programming,Data structures and algortihms using Python | NPTEL certified | 2022 |
2 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Nelson mandela marg, vasant kunj, NEW DELHI | how to conduct the student induction (SIP) program | Participated | 2021 |
3 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Lakireddy Bali reddy college of engineering,Mylavaram | Research Metrics and software Tools | Participated | 2021 |
4 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Rajalakshmi Engineering college,Thandalam,Chennai | Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics in RAAF of NAAC | Participated | 2021 |
5 | A.V.R.M.Ajay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Importance of NDT in Quality & Energy Sector | participated | 2019 |
6 | P.V.Anil kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission | Participated | 2021 |
7 | V. Pranay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission | Participated | 2021 |
8 | Sk. Mohammad Rafi | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission | Participated | 2021 |
9 | B.Siva Rama Krishna | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission | Participated | 2021 |
10 | G.Venkateswarlu | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission | Participated | 2021 |
11 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Santiram Engineering college, Nandyal | Artificial Intelligence | Participated | 2020 |
12 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet | OBE-NBA Process | Participated | 2020 |
13 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Vignan Pharmacy College, Guntur | Moodle-Open Source Learning Platform | Attended | 2020 |
14 | Dr. V.Krishna Reddy | Codegnan IT Solutions, Vijayawada | Tools for Online Classroom Post Covid -19 | Participated | 2020 |
15 | K.Sreenivas | Kashibai Navale college of Engineering | Need of collaboration-academics, industry and technology | Participated | 2020 |
16 | K.Sreenivas | Ramco Institue Of Technology | Webathon on future topics in mechanical engineering | Participated | 2020 |
17 | K.Sreenivas | KHIT, Guntur | Innovation and research trends in mechanical engineering | Participated | 2020 |
18 | K.Sreenivas | Chalapathi Institute Of Technolgy | Successful steps towards high quality scientific publications | Participated | 2020 |
19 | K.Sreenivas | Chalapathi Institute Of Technolgy | Successful steps towards high quality scientific publications | Participated | 2020 |
20 | K.Sreenivas | Ramchandra College Of Engineering | FDP on Innovation to academicians | Participated | 2020 |
21 | K.Sreenivas | Pace Institute Of Technology And Sciences,Ongole | Faculty Awareness Program on NBA | Participated | 2020 |
22 | K.Sreenivas | ICT ACADEMY | Team building and managing | Participated | 2020 |
23 | P.V.Anil Kumar | ICT ACADEMY | Team building and managing | Participated | 2020 |
24 | P.V.Anil Kumar | KHIT-GUNTUR | Innovation and research trends in mechanical engineering-FDP | Participated | 2020 |
25 | P.V.Anil Kumar | Prakasam Engineering College | IQAC | Participated | 2020 |
26 | P.V.Anil Kumar | Sri Indu Engineering College | Automotive surface heat treatment | Participated | 2020 |
27 | P.V.Anil Kumar | Sri Indu Engineering College | EDM Of Duplex Brass | Participated | 2020 |
28 | P.V.Anil Kumar | QISCET, Ongole | Fdp On Advanced Ndt Techniques & Applications In Industry | Participated | 2020 |
29 | P.V.Anil Kumar | APSSDC | Automobile Technology | Participated | 2020 |
30 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Ramchandra College Of Engineering | FDP on Innovation to academicians | Participated | 2020 |
31 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | KHIT, Guntur | FDP on Innovation and research trends in mechanical engineering | Participated | 2020 |
32 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | SCAD College Of Engineering | Future of ROBOTICS and AI | Participated | 2020 |
33 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Kashibai Navale College Of Engineering | FDP on spoken tutorial technology | Participated | 2020 |
34 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Kashibai Navale College Of Engineering | Need of collaboration-academics, industry and technology | Participated | 2020 |
35 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Kashibai Navale College Of Engineering | Need of collaboration-academics, industry and technology | Participated | 2020 |
36 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | RAMCO Institute Of Technology | Industry 4.0 | Participated | 2020 |
37 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Methodist College Of Engineering | How to use CAD to enhance teaching and learning in KOM | Participated | 2020 |
38 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | QISCET, Ongole | FDP on Advanced NDT techniques & applications in industry | Participated | 2020 |
39 | Sk. Mohammad Rafi | KHIT, Guntur | FDP on IRTME | Participated | 2020 |
40 | Sk. Mohammad Rafi | Mohamed Sathak A J College of Eng., Chennai | Webinar on maintenace & servicing of refrigerator | Participated | 2020 |
41 | Sk. Mohammad Rafi | Chaitanya Eng. college, vishakapatnam | Webinar on Advanced Fracture Mechanics Simulation in Industrial Gas Turbines | Participated | 2020 |
42 | Sk. Mohammad Rafi | Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Markapur | Webinar on Importance of Research, preparation for NBA Accreditation | Participated | 2020 |
43 | B.Siva Rama Krishna | NRI Institute of technology | Webninar on E-Mechanics | Participated | 2020 |
44 | G.Venkateswarlu | Chaitanya Eng. college, vishakapatnam | Webinar on Advanced Fracture Mechanics Simulation in Industrial Gas Turbines | Participated | 2020 |
45 | K.Sreenivas | Brindavan institute of technology and sciences | 3D Printing Processing and Applications | Participated | 2019 |
46 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Brindavan institute of technology and sciences | 3D Printing Processing and Applications | Participated | 2019 |
47 | Dr. V. Krishna Reddy | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
48 | K.Sreenivas | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
49 | P.V. Anil Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
50 | N.C. Sameer Chakravarthy | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
51 | A.V.R.M. Ajay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
52 | V. Pranay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
53 | B.Siva Rama Krishna | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | Non-Destructive Testing | Participated | 2019 |
54 | Dr. V. Krishna Reddy | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
55 | K. Sreenivas | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
56 | P.V. Anil Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
57 | N.C. Sameer Chakravarthy | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
58 | A.V.R.M. Ajay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
59 | V. Pranay Kumar | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
60 | B.Siva Rama Krishna | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
61 | J.Bala Daveed | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
62 | Dr. V. Krishna Reddy | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | International conference on Multidisciplinary perseptives in Engineering & Technology (IMPACT-2019) | Co-Convener | 2019 |
63 | K. Sreenivas | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | International conference on Multidisciplinary perseptives in Engineering & Technology (IMPACT-2019) | Co-Convener | 2019 |
64 | P.Anusha Lakshmi | Krishna Chaitanya institute of technology and sciences | FDP on Auto CAD | Participated | 2019 |
65 | K.Sreenivas | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | Outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
66 | N.C.Sameer Chakravarthy | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | Outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
67 | P.V.Anil kumar | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | Outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
68 | M.V.Ramesh | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
69 | K.Sudha vani | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
70 | K.Sandhya | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
71 | A.V.R.M. Ajay Kumar | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
72 | P.Anusha Lakshmi | Ramachandra College Of Engineering,Eluru | outcome based Education and Accreditation | Participated | 2018 |
73 | B.Siva Rama Krishna | Sri Krishna Devaraya Engineering College,Gooty | Biped- Robot Workshop | Co-ordinator | 2017 |
74 | P.V.Anil Kumar | IIT,Kharagpur | Android Controlled Robots | Co-ordinator | 2017 |
75 | Dr V.Krishna reddy |,narasarao pet. | Recent advances in mechanical engg. | Participated | 2015 |
76 | P.MaheshBabu |,vijayawada | Smart Materials&structurals | Participated | 2015 |
77 | P.V.Anil Kumar |,vijayawada | Smart Materials&structurals | Participated | 2015 |
78 | Dr V.Krishna reddy | IIT-INDORE,M.P. | Measurement technologies in Thermal Engineering-recent advances | Participated | 2014 |
79 | Dr B.SubbaRatnam | GITAM University,Hyderabad | 2nd world Conference on applied Sciences,Engineering and Technology | Participated | 2013 |
80 | Dr B.SubbaRatnam | GokarajuRangaraju College of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad | International conference on materials Processing and characterization | Participated | 2012 |
81 | Dr B.SubbaRatnam | Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology,Secunderbad | International conference on materials Processing and characterization | Participated | 2012 |
82 | Dr V.Krishna reddy | Pace Engineering and Technology,ongole | Techno fest | Acted as judge | 2012 |
83 | Dr V.Krishna reddy | NBKR,Vakada | Engineering day celebrations | Acted as judge | 2012 |
84 | Dr B.SubbaRatnam | IISc, Bangalore | PROCEEDINGS of International Conference onComposites for 21st Century – Current and FutureTrend. | Participated | 2011 |
85 | Dr V.Krishna reddy | Rao & Naidu Engineering and Technology,ongole | Technical symposium | Acted as judge | 2011 |