The First Accredited institution by NAAC in Western Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh.

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Accredited By

PO'S, PEO's and PSO'S

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The Program Educational Objectives of the Civil Engineering undergraduate program are for graduates to achieve the following, within few years of graduation. The graduates of Civil Engineering Program will

  • PEO1: Contribute to Nation’s growth, enabling time-bound creation of world-class infrastructure in the country and delivering sustainable solutions for rural and urban development.
  • PEO2: Pursue professional development to enhance their undergraduate degree and advance their careers.
  • PEO3: Exhibit commitment; engage in lifelong learning and continuous improvement for enhancing their professional and personal capabilities.

PSO1: Capability to manage large infrastructure projects ensuring safe and cost-effective execution of projects having knowledge of fast track construction and project management.

PSO2: Ability to use building software packages to calculate safe loads and stresses for designing structural members to ensure safety and serviceability.

PSO3: Ability to provide innovative solutions for traffic safety and efficiency through intelligent transportation systems, and mitigate the environmental impact of construction by adopting green building concepts.

Vision and Mission of Civil department


To emerge as center of excellence for education and research in Civil Engineering and to produce professionally competent and ethically sound engineers of global standards, ready to serve the community and the nation with dedication through entrepreneurship and industry outreach services for creating sustainable infrastructure and enhancing quality of life


  • To provide rigorous hands on civil engineering education through learner centric teaching pedagogy, quality and real time education.
  • Establish state-of-the art facilities for teaching and research in civil engineering domain.
  • To impart soft skills, leadership qualities, life-long learners with the necessary competencies and professional ethics among the graduates to handle projects independently.
  • Motivate students to develop low-cost and sustainable ethical solutions to problems faced by the society.
  • Provide opportunities to students to enable them to develop leadership and interpersonal skills.

About Department Of Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with the planning, construction, and maintenance of fixed structures, or public works, as they are related to earth, water, or civilization and their processes. Most civil engineering today deals with power plants, bridges, roads, railways, structures, water supply, irrigation, the natural environment, sewer, flood control, transportation and traffic. In essence, civil engineering may be regarded as the profession that makes the world a more agreeable place in which to live.

Civil Department Faculty Details







M.Tech, Ph.D

Professor & HOD



M.Tech, Ph.D





Assoc. Professor




Assoc. Professor




Assoc. Professor




Assoc. Professor




Asst. Professor

Non - Teaching Faculty Details

S. NO.





Mr. G. Vijay Kumar Reddy

Lab Technician

Diploma  (Mech)


Mr. D.Pakeeraiah

Lab Technician



Mr. Pathan Ahmad Ali

Lab Technician


Regulations and Syllabus

Civil Department Activities

S.No Name of the Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Type Source
1 Annas fest-2k12 National Level Technical Symposium College Management & Registration fees
2 Annas fest-2k15 National Level Technical Symposium College Management & Registration fees

Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts

Module Description Any Other Contributory Institute/Industry Duration days Resource Persons Source of funding
Aptitude and soft Skills Data point technology 11 Venkat, gouri sankar College
Communication Skills Trainer By Lijesh 1 Lijesh College
Gate Training Sai Medha Institute 2 G.Ramana college
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp   3 A.Koti Reddy  (MSME) College
Soft Skills Development Krest Technologies 1   College
Soft Skills Globarena-JNTUK 1 Joode College
Self Employability &Opportunities MSME-Development Institute 1 A.Koti Reddy (APITCO) College
Soft Skills Development LEARNASIUM 1   College
Employability Skills Globarena-JNTUK 1   College

Industrial Visits & Industrial Training (2014-2015)

Year/batch Name of the Industry visited Place Date of visit

II B.Tech, III B.Tech,IV B.Tech

B.V.S.R (Bridge construction) Yaragondapallam 9 sep 2015
II B.Tech, III B.Tech,IV B.Tech Renew power Chanareddy palla 1 Jan 2016

Civil Detailes of Laboratories

S.No Room No. Laboratory Name Area (m2) Cost (Rs.)
1 B103

Survey field work lab

42.31 3,20,000
2 B203 Geology Lab 112.45 81,465
3 B106 Strength of Materials lab 144.47 7,91,100
4 A106 Fluid Mechanics Lab 105.56 6,89,560
5 B202 Environmental Engineering Lab 111.5 4,46,300
6 B104 Geotechnical Engineering Lab 83.6 3,54,095
7 B105 Concrete Lab 223.25 2,75,393
8 C109

Transportation Engineering Lab

105.56 2,08,225
9 B210

Civil Engineering Computer Centre

112.72 1,00,000

This course deals with various methods employed for the measurement of areas and volumes and to mark the positions of the proposed structures on the ground by using various techniques. To understand basic surveying methods and use of various instruments for surveying of given geographical locations.

The course is intended to explore the scope of geology in terms of Civil Engineering applications and to explain the geological agents and their role in constantly molding the surface of the earth. lab provide hands on experience on identification, methods to find properties of various geographical materials.

To impart the students the knowledge to understand the internal behavior of mechanical elements under the action of applied loads. To evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of steel, wood.

This course is designed to explain basic concepts of fluid flow through various flow measuring devices, pipe bend, jets and propeller etc. It is expected to understand the basic concepts of flow in open channel, working principle of different types of turbines and pumps and similarity of model and prototype and to create in students awareness about the factors related to determination of efficiencies of hydraulic pumps and turbines.

Identification of source, estimation of quantity required, treatment of water to the desired degree and conveyance of water to the community are the essential features of water supply. Students are expected to determine water quality, properties of wastewater and its analysis.

The primary objective of this course is to equip the student with the knowledge of how to explore the soil, Determination of various properties of soil like water content, permeability and to conduct compaction test, shear test, consolidation test etc. on soil.

This course is also designed to understand the properties and tests on cement, aggregates and concrete. It also covers the mix design of concrete. To evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of cement.

The students are expected to design surface drainage system for pavements. Students are expected to conduct the experiments on Aggregates, Bituminous materials and mixes and also on sub grade soils to find out their properties.

The computer centre caters the needs of all four year students. It has all major software’s such CADD, STADD Pro, GIS. All systems are in lan and internet ready.

Civil Department Achivements

Faculty Participation

S.NO. Faculty Name Publication Name ISSN/ISBN no. Volume/Issue Title of the paper
1 Mr.K.Rajasekhar

http://www.ijecs.in /issue/v3-i3/32%20ijecs.pdf

ISSN:2319-7242 Impact factor:1.269

Removal of malachite green from aqueous solution using corn cob as adsorbent

2 Mr.K.Rajasekhar

http://www.ijerd.com /paper/vol10-issue11/Version_4/E10114148.pdf

ISSN:2278-067X Impact factor:1.5

Equilibrium Studies of Malachite Green From Aqueous Solution Using Corn cob as Adsorbent

3 Mr.K.Rajasekhar www.ijert.co ISSN:2348-6821 Equilibrium Studies of Malachite Green From Aqueous Solution Using Corn cob as Adsorbent
4 Mr.K.Rajasekhar www.ijert.co ISSN:2394-4099

Partial Replacement of Metakaoline in Cement Concrete.

Academic year 2012-13
1 Mr.K.Rajasekhar Middle –East journal of scientific research 1990-9233 Removal of malachite green and methylene blue using low cost adsorbents from aqueous –A review
Academic year 2011-12
1 Mr.K.Rajasekhar


ISSN:2231-5381Impact factor:2.695

Enhanced Removal Of Turbidity From Waste water By Ferric Chloride And Alum.

Student achievements

S.NO. Name of the Student Event Prize/Participation
1 V.Veeresh kumar Cultural event ,ASTRA-2K14 Consolation
2 1)T.Hima Bindu
2)Sd.Ahammda Hussain
English Quiz ASTRA-2K14 1st PRIZE
3 1)B.Madhavi latha
2)P.Lakshmi kanth Reddy
National level technical Fest 1st PRIZE
4 B.Madhavi latha National level technical Symposium 1st PRIZE

1)V.Veeresh kumar
2)T.Hima Bindu


1)K.V.Sree Ramya Reddy
2) T. Bhavya Lakshmi Priya

Gecfest-K15 1st PRIZE

1)K.V.Sree Ramya Reddy
2)T. Bhavya Lakshmi Priya

National level technical Symposium 3rd PRIZE
8 K.V.Sree Ramya Reddy Global Mahotsav 2015 3rd PRIZE
9 1)Sk.Nayab Rasool
Global Mahotsav 2015 3rd PRIZE  In Project Expo
1 B.Madhavi latha National level technical Symposium

Consolation  prize

2 B.Madhavi latha National level technical Symposium

Consolation  prize

Number of students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.?

Competetive Exam Academic Year No. of students
Gate 2014 1
PGECET 2014 8
PGECET 2015 6
PGECET 2015 1
Agency No of Students Recieved Financial Assistance
  2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
College 2 1 1 Nil
Governament 35 51 81 77
Any Other Agency Nil Nil Nil Nil

Civil Gallery


Civil Engineering Consultancy


The department is offering consultancy services to the public and earning an amount of about Rs.1 lack per year. The consultancy services are offered in material testing, soil testing etc.

S.NO. Date Name of the Client Tests
1 13/6/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
2 03/7/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
3 14/08/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
4 18/08/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
5 26/08/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
6 22/09/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
7 22/09/2015 T.T.D Soil Test(SBC)
8 17/10/2015 S.R. Power lines, Hyderabad. Soil Test(F.D.D)
9 22/10/2015 Newsol Pvt .Ltd Mixed Design(M25)
10 27/10/2015 S.R. Power lines, Hyderabad Soil Test(F.D.D)
11 30/10/2015 S.R. Power lines, Hyderabad Soil Test(F.D.D)
12 30/10/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad. Soil Test(SBC)
13 7/11/2015 Posana Pvt. Ltd, Chennai Cubs Testing
14 7/11/2015 Aradhya infra Mixed Design(M25)
15 13/11/2015 Posana Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. Cubs Testing
16 16/11/2015 B.V.S.R .Construction Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad Soil Test(SBC)
17 17/11/2015 Tridev services Cubs Testing
18 19/11/2015 Posana Pvt. Ltd, Chennai Cubs Testing
19 20/11/2015 Aradhya infra Cubs Testing
20 25/11/2015 Posana Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. Cubs Testing
21 26/11/2015 Aradhya infra Cubs Testing
22 27/11/2015 Kapil solar and Scaffolding works Mixed Design(M25)
23 28/11/2015 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)
24 3/12/2015 Posana Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. Cubs Testing
25 12/12/2015 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)
26 15/12/2015 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)
27 19/12/2015 T.T.D Soil Test(F.D.D)
28 23/12/2015 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)
29 29/12/2015 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)
30 9/1/2016 Dharani Infra Soil Test(F.D.D)