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NAME OF THE SOCIETY :- Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology and Sciences – Old Students Association (ALUMNI)

LOCATION OF THE OFFICE :- Devarajugattu(V), Peddaraveedu(M), Prakasam Dist. – 523320


  • Updating the knowledge and experiences among the old students.
  • Maintain relationship among old students.
  • Interaction with the parental Institutions.
  • Sharing and helping to native sharing people.
  • Exchanging, expertise, emotions and feelings with old.
  • Globalization of our education with old students.
  • Conducting seminars, sports, cultural activities with the help of old students.
  • Welfare of the old students to conduct with old.
  • Regular meetings of the old students with the constity students.
  • To develop and inclub the later teen with old students by conducted regular Meeting.
  • Certified that the Association is formed with no profit motive and commercial activities Involved in its working.
  • Certified that the Association in would not engage in any agitation and trade union activities Ventilate grievances.
  • Certifiedthat the office Bearers are not paid from the Association
  • Certified that the Association would not engage in agitation to ventilate to grievances
  • Certified that the office Bearers signatures are genuine.

We, the undersigned persons in the memo have formed into an association and responsible to run the affairs of the Association and are delirious of getting the society registered under A.P Societies Registration Act. 2001

Sl. No.Name of the Office Bearers and S/o. W/o. D/o.AgeDesignationOccupationResidential AddressSignature
1.Prasanna Kumar Balisetty S/O Kondaiah35PresidentPrivate Employee6-52/ST Colony/Ranga Samudram/Porumammils/YSR/
2.Thulasi Golla
D/o Satyanarayana
28Vice PresidentPrivate Emplyee6-102B/Cumbum Road ,Markapur(Rural)/Prakasam dist/AP/INDIA/523316 
3.Jayanth Kandepu,S/O Guruvardhan26General SecretaryPrivate Employee4/207/A/Rajaji Street,Markapur(Rural)
Prakasam Dist/AP/INDIA/523316
4.Priya Konagandla25Joint SecretaryPrivate Employee10-645/Vijaya Hall Opposite,10th Ward/Markapur
Prakasam Dist/AP/INDIA/523316
5.Aiswarya Varrikalla
D/O Vankata Narayana
24TreasurerPrivate Employee4-118-A1/Alugu Street, Markapur(Rural)
Prakasam Dist/AP/INDIA/523316
6.Anusha Sure,D/O Venkata Mahanandi25Executive MemberPrivate Employee2-217/Main Road/YerragondaPalem/Prakasm Dist/AP/INDIA/523327 
7.Venkata Subramanyam,
Sucharitha  SurabhiD/O Venkateswarlu
24Executive MemberPrivate Employee6-322/Vodde Street/Markapur(Rural)
Prakasam Dist/AP/INDIA/523316


  • Membership
  • Category of Members
  • Life / Annual
  • Admission Fee
  • Life Membership : Rs 1,000/-
  • Annual Membership: Rs 100/-

                                        ALUMNI REGISTRATION FORM 

  1. Annual General Body will meet once in a year i.e, in the month of April.
  • To pass the budget for the ensuring year and approve expenditure statement of previous year.
  • To approve the reports of the activities of Society.
  • To elect the Executive committee etc.,
  • To appointment Auditor.
  • Executive Committee: Shell consist of Seven (7) Members and out of them, the following office bearers shall be elected by the E.C.Viz.., President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasured and the remaining all the Executive Committee Members.
  • The members of the Executive Committee (Governing Body) shall be duty bound to attest the signatures of all the members of newly elected Executive Committee and to see that the said signatures of the outgoing governing Body tally with the annual list as field with the Register of societies before 15 days the succeeding month in elections were held.


  • PRESIDENT: He presides over all the meeting of the both General Body and Executive Committee, he can caste his vote in case of tie. He can supervise all the branches of the society.
  • VICE PRESIDENT: He shall assist the President in discharging his duties in the absence of the President he shall perform the duty of the President as entrusted by him..
  • SECRETARY: He is the their Executive Officer of the society and custodian to all records relating to the society and correspondent on behalf of the society. He has to take on records of all minutes of the society to conveyed both the bodies of the society with the permission of the President. He guide the Treasurer in preparing the Budget and Expenditure Statement of the Society.
  • JOINT SECRETARY: He has to do the work entrusted by the Executive Committee. He has to assist the Secretary in discharging his duties, in the absence of the Secretary; he can perform the duties of the Secretary.
  • TREASUERE: He is responsible for all financial transactions and funds of the Society he has to maintain Accounts properly along with the Vouchers he has to prepare the accounts of the Society jointly with the Secretary or President.
  • OFFICE BEARERS: They are the responsible person to attend to such activities of the Societies which the Executives Committee entrust to them.
  • QUORUM: Half of the total members for General Body Meeting and 3/5 for Executive Committee Meeting.
  • FUNDS: The Funds shall be spent only for the attachment of the objects of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any of the Members through any means..
  • AMENDMENTS: No amendment or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the Association unless it is voted by 3/5 of its members present at a Special Meeting conveyed for the purpose and confirmed by 3/5 of the Members present at a Second Special Meeting.
  • WINDING UP: In case the Society has to be wound up the property and funds of the Society that remain after discharging the liabilities, if any, shall be transferred or paid to some other Institute with similar aims and objects.
  • BANK ACCOUNTS: A Bank account shall be opened in the name of Association i.e. KITS Alumni Association in any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank. The funds collected and belonging to the Association shall be deposited in the Bank Account that will be operated jointly by any two of the office bearers i.e President, General Secretary and Treasurer.
  • AMENDMENTS: No Amendments or alteration shall be made in the Memorandum of Association unless it is voted by 2/3rd of the members present at a special meeting convened for the purpose and confirmed by 2/3rd of the members present at a second special meeting.
  • LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: The Association shall be entitled to sue and be used in the name of the Association i.e. KITS Alumni Association and shall be represented by its General Secretary or Joint Secretary within the Jurisdiction of Markapur.